This photograph taken of a trailer operated by a major national fleet and maintained by a big brand tyre company shows bad diagonal tread wear. Already this tyre has lost 10-15% of its useful life and untreated (as they often are) will be a large loss to the operator. For whose benefit?
If serviced or maintained through the tracker, these tyres would be skimmed to get maximum life.
These photos show 1 of 12 tyres on a foreign trailer to customer (bought 2nd hand). It clearly shows very bad diagonal wear from lack of servicing. The end picture shows same tyre 2 feet around. Over 50% of tyre loss plus one can only imagine the amount of bouncing around at 100 k/m per hour multiplied by 12 tyres in the same condition on trailer.
HOW MANY tyres in this condition can you see on your vehicles???