With Australia being such a large continent, trucks are travelling the length and
breadth of this huge land. This means that I have met transport professionals from all
around the country.
Many remind me that I have been around for such a long time urging operators to look
after their tyres more methodically and diligently, and recently it got me thinking: how
long have I been preaching the tyre gospel?
It probably goes back further than I can remember, but bits of proof do still exist as
testimony to my longstanding work in the market.
Here’s one from the archives; April 1984 to be exact, where I featured in Truck &
Bus magazine speaking about the monetary savings and performance increases fleet
operators can get if they take steps to re-belt worn tyres and do so at the right time.
Simply, it answers the following question ….. Why throw away a damaged new tyre
which is perfectly good again once you re-belt it?
Scroll down for this informative read!